We sent our bodies to ourselves in the future. And they have just arrived… is the first in a series of Sci-Fi conceits that begets dancing – choreographed by M@ (aka Matt Cornell) in collaboration with Bgirl Raygun (Dr Rachael Gunn) and Romain Hassanin. We will share 3 work-in-progress Sci-Fi worlds in total. This work also generated a wiki-text titled The Future Arrives At All Costs, that forms part of an international hyperlinked 2022 publication asking; How Will We Take Our Bodies With Us Into The Future?
Work-in-progress studio showing
12 March 2023, 3pm
The Drill Hall Critical Path
Walk in and join us, no need to book
Project led by M@ Cornell
Dancer/collaborators: Bgirl Raygun (Dr Rachael Gunn) and Romain Hassanin
Posters will be gifted to audience members to take home after the studio sharing. One of the Sci-Fi worlds offers an opt-in to also do some dancing.
This studio showing is supported through the Critical Path March Dance Bursary.
This work was begun as part of research supported by Critical Path in M@’s role as the Digital Artist and Curator (Interrogating Technology and Choreography). As well as a sponsored day of studio time thanks to Dance Makers Collective at LOT 7 of which Matt is a former (and founding) member.
Image credit: Si Yi Shen