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We sent our bodies to ourselves in the future. And they have just arrived…

Part of March Dance 2023

We sent our bodies to ourselves in the future. And they have just arrived… is the first in a series of Sci-Fi conceits that begets dancing – choreographed by M@ (aka Matt Cornell) in collaboration with Bgirl Raygun (Dr Rachael Gunn) and Romain Hassanin. We will share 3 work-in-progress Sci-Fi worlds in total. This work also generated a wiki-text titled The Future Arrives At All Costs, that forms part of an international hyperlinked 2022 publication asking; How Will We Take Our Bodies With Us Into The Future?


Work-in-progress studio showing

12 March 2023, 3pm
The Drill Hall Critical Path
Walk in and join us, no need to book

Project led by M@ Cornell
Dancer/collaborators: Bgirl Raygun (Dr Rachael Gunn) and Romain Hassanin

Posters will be gifted to audience members to take home after the studio sharing. One of the Sci-Fi worlds offers an opt-in to also do some dancing.


This studio showing is supported through the Critical Path March Dance Bursary.
This work was begun as part of research supported by Critical Path in M@’s role as the Digital Artist and Curator (Interrogating Technology and Choreography). As well as a sponsored day of studio time thanks to Dance Makers Collective at LOT 7 of which Matt is a former (and founding) member.

Image credit: Si Yi Shen

Your donation supports independent dance artists in Australia

Critical Path

The Drill, 1C New Beach Rd,
Darling Point (Rushcutters Bay), Sydney