We are all busy, we are all under pressure. We have to make, produce, be productive, make do….
Where in all of this is the time that artists need for reviving, for stretching, for questioning, for being in their practice? When the next work has to be made now, the next opportunity though welcome requires that the creating is done so quickly and under such particular constraints. When there seems to be no way forward and all our time is spent searching for that way. We know that to really make strong, thoughtful, fully felt work the process is a long one, that the moments of production are such a short segment of this work.
Last year when a group of ‘dance managers’ got together in Perth we asked ourselves and each other what were the most important / strategic concerns for us in dance. The list was very long of course but when we focussed in to things we could all agree on it came down to just a handful of things….funds of course, co-operation & collaboration, ongoing professional development and this concern about process and practice.
So…….What are we going to do about Process and Practice in dance?
This is our invitation to you. Please come if you can. Please come if you want to.
This gathering is connected to Devoted and Disgruntled – a conversation run in the UK to help people talk about their concerns and passions in the arts). D&D has a process and a platform to help us. We hope you will come and share your passion for this with us, and that passion will then be shared with others.
claire, felicity and agnes
Venue: Chunky Move Studios, 111 Sturt Street, Southbank, VIC 3006
The conversation will be Auslan interpreted
Financed through: Tasdance and Critical Path
Supported by: Critical Path, Tasdance, Tracks Dance (the invitees) with Chunky Move, Ausdance Victoria and the Dance Massive Consortium.