by Critical Path Team | Feb 8, 2023
Followed the our recent successful joint program – Articulating Practice – Sapphire Coast last year in November, Critical Path and Gunpowder Trading Post is offering a week-long residency for a dance maker/choreographic artist at the Gunpowder Trading...
by Critical Path Team | Feb 7, 2023
1 – 31 March 2023 Kicking off March 1, the 2023 March Dance festival includes over 100 artists, 10 companies, 11 organisations and 27 venues coming together from across Sydney to connect and showcase the vibrant and resilient Sydney contemporary dance scene. The 2023...
by Critical Path Team | Feb 6, 2023
Spaces for Street Dance (unincorporated group) has grown out of recent conversations, supported by Australia Council for the Arts, to ensure the Street Dance community was part of the consultation on a National Arts Policy. From this process has come the desire to...
by Critical Path Team | Feb 6, 2023
We sent our bodies to ourselves in the future. And they have just arrived… is the first in a series of Sci-Fi conceits that begets dancing – choreographed by M@ (aka Matt Cornell) in collaboration with Bgirl Raygun (Dr Rachael Gunn) and Romain Hassanin. We will...
by Critical Path Team | Feb 6, 2023
In this conversation with dance and movement-makers, we will consider the value of rest, pause, and stillness in creative practice and within dance. How do we, institutionally, come to recognise pause as an integral part of the creative process? How do we create space...