We invite you to join us for a breakfast discussion where we chew over some challenging issues.
Events will be ticketed for catering purposes. On sale Thursday 12 October, 5pm.
Saturday 11 November
In keeping with Interchange Festival’s theme for the day of Political Body we consider what it means to create Intercultural Work – the politics.
Grappling with issues of appropriation and assimilation. Traditional, experimental, innovative….labels that define or confine us? How do these labels affect arts practice and how work is produced and presented? We talk about inclusivity but we are faced with agendas that dominate. Where is there space for a diversity of voices in this environment?
Facilitated by Raghav Handa
Sunday 12 November
With consideration of ‘the start and end of the body’, we ask Where is the body in interdisciplinary work?
Together we will question and scrutinise assumptions and ideas pertaining to our experiences and observations of interdisciplinary experimentation in arts practices and research. Is ‘the body’ even a useful term for us to be thinking with? When things get too difficult, we’ll take a few minutes out, to get physical with some easy-to-follow jazz dancing.
Facilitated by Lizzie Thomson